In high school, as a member on multiple executive boards in multiple clubs, one of my greatest pet peeves was students signing up to be on a committee or to volunteer at an event and then not showing up. This was extremely annoying to me because if you give your word when doing something then I expect that you have the commitment to follow through. Keeping this in mind, when coming to college I knew that I would not be able to extend myself as far as I did in high school because I would not have enough time. Therefore, when going to college club fairs and events I knew that I needed to limit the number of things that I signed up for and committed to since I know myself and how much I value honoring a commitment. In the end I did not sign up for any of the clubs I looked at and instead decided to rush. I felt that balancing multiple clubs and DAAP would be too much to handle versus just DAAP and a sorority. I am slightly more comfortable with this level of commitment and am willing to put the time in to make it work.
I also value love and humor. This can commonly be seen in my choice of friends. My group of high school friends were all very close (which we think attributed to our sarcastic senses of humor) but this shared laughter is what brought us together and made our friendships so strong. Coming to college I was nervous about making new friends that were just as great as my high school friends. In the face of this I reached out to my friends from other high schools that went to UC. From them I have made great friends that also have a similar sense of humor and alike values. For similar reasons, I am also excited to see what it will be like to be in a sorority. That way I will be able to make friends with plenty of girls that I can laugh with and come to love like sisters. I am excited to see how college will alter my values (for the better) and how I will grow as a person from my experiences. (It will make reflecting back on it very interesting and fun. *fingers crossed*)