Let's Talk About Me. . .

Hey there!

My name is Alexis Begnoche and I am an industrial design student at the University of Cincinnati with a minor in marketing. My current motto is that "I am passionate about brands and user experience. This stems from my belief that design has the potential to positively impact the way we as humans interact with and experience the world and the products that fill it. This belief has ignited a passion in consumer behavior and a desire to positively impact each moment that defines a user’s overall experience. Over my past four co-ops, I have been lucky enough to have had an extremely versatile working experience which has subsequently led me to this philosophy and has led me to develop an interest in brand experience with a focus on strategy and user experience.

A little back story, I grew up in Fort Thomas, Kentucky and I graduated from Highlands High School. My time in high school made me realize a passion I had for fundraising and working with non-profits, a passion that I continue to pursue in college. I volunteered with the Bearcat Buddies as an academic tutor for local Cincinnati Public School children; I work with the Design in Mind leadership team to facilitate the delivery of art lessons and design thinking to students who, otherwise, may not get the chance to experience design. I am a golf coach for the local First Tee of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky chapter, a program dedicated to “growing great kids through the game of golf.” I have been able to expand my passion from working with non-profits and giving back to the community to working with children and, hopefully, establishing myself as a positive role model in their lives. My goal is to inspire the confidence and self-love in them that I was missing as a child. As a result of these experiences, I have toyed with the idea of doing work with or starting my own non-profit; but, my ideas continue to change and evolve as my work experience grows. My hope is to one day integrate, these passions into my industrial design career, whether that be running a non-profit, developing a start-up, or just by volunteering on the weekends. 

If it turns out these aspirations are a naive and unrealistic bust, which they easily could be, I hope that I never lose these passions. I am passionate about learning, whether that be at school, at work, traveling or by doing something that I have never done before. The world is full of adventures and experiences that will teach me and better inform my perspective on the world. Cheers to the continued learning, laughter, and self-reflection that will push me to grow and help make writing this “about me” easier.

Alexis Begnoche